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Release notes.
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Due to the large size that the Release notes section was reaching, it has now been split up into several smaller areas.

v1.03 MegaMud release notes.
Click here to access release notes from all v1.03 MegaMud versions.

v1.02 MegaMud release notes.
Click here to access release notes from all v1.02 MegaMud versions.

v1.01 MegaMud release notes.
Click here to access release notes from all v1.01 MegaMud versions.

Beta MegaMud release notes.
Click here to access release notes from all MegaMud beta versions.

Latest version release notes.
Version 1.03s
- Updated the databases for MajorMud 1.11g (Mod 9).
- Fixed a few cases where the hangup-if-naked option would fail to work because some loyal items were detected.
- Added the current time to some informational messages to help with PVP, etc.
- MegaMud now resets the ANSI state whenever the session is disconnected.
- Text such as "You are following a wide path..." should no longer confuse MegaMud into thinking you are in a party.
- Updated the Bank of Godfrey room definition so that MM recognises the two-exits version of the room.
- Added an option to turn off the issuing of the 'break' command when trying to run from PVP/monsters.
- Eliminated some possible ways the remote control commands can be abused.
- Added path to/from the gold gang house.
- Fixed a bug which caused MegaMud to break sneak when when it stopped prior to entering a boss room.
- When editing game data, the last edited value is now remembered. For players, monsters and items, this may be overridden to the last one seen by your character.
- Added a confirmation message to the drop-all action.
- The 'inventory' which gets issued at the end of a path loop will now only happen if it has been more than 5 minutes since the last time it was issued. This should improve the performance of paths which have a small number of steps.
- Add a 'Supernatural stealth' option to the 'Other' tab in the settings. Turning this on makes Megamud ignore the player's stealth stat.

Written and maintained by Spawn. Copyright (c), all rights reserved.
MegaMud and the MegaMud Release Notes are copyright (c) 1998-2006 GWiz PTY. LTD.
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