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Table of 1.03 Release Notes:
MegaMud v1.03s    
MegaMud v1.03p MegaMud v1.03q MegaMud v1.03r
MegaMud v1.03m MegaMud v1.03n MegaMud v1.03o
MegaMud v1.03j MegaMud v1.03k MegaMud v1.03l
MegaMud v1.03g MegaMud v1.03h MegaMud v1.03i
MegaMud v1.03d MegaMud v1.03e MegaMud v1.03f
MegaMud v1.03a MegaMud v1.03b MegaMud v1.03c

Version 1.03s


- Updated the databases for MajorMud 1.11g (Mod 9).
- Fixed a few cases where the hangup-if-naked option would
fail to work because some loyal items were detected.
- Added the current time to some informational messages
to help with PVP, etc.
- MegaMud now resets the ANSI state whenever the session
is disconnected.
- Text such as "You are following a wide path..." should
no longer confuse MegaMud into thinking you are in a party.
- Updated the Bank of Godfrey room definition so that
MM recognises the two-exits version of the room.
- Added an option to turn off the issuing of the 'break'
command when trying to run from PVP/monsters.
- Eliminated some possible ways the remote control
commands can be abused.
- Added path to/from the gold gang house.
- Fixed a bug which caused MegaMud to break sneak when
when it stopped prior to entering a boss room.
- When editing game data, the last edited value is now
remembered. For players, monsters and items, this may
be overridden to the last one seen by your character.
- Added a confirmation message to the drop-all action.
- The 'inventory' which gets issued at the end of a
path loop will now only happen if it has been more than
5 minutes since the last time it was issued. This should
improve the performance of paths which have a small
number of steps.
- Add a 'Supernatural stealth' option to the 'Other' tab
in the settings. Turning this on makes Megamud ignore
the player's stealth stat.

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Version 1.03r

- Sends 'enter' (not 'e') when entering the game to prevent
flooding the game with 'e's if lag is present.
- Added support for the meditate command (see health settings).
- Remote commands can now be issued via gangpaths
(it wont issue AFK messages though). You can disallow this
via a new option on the 'Talk' settings.
- Added options to the cash settings to discard coins
(for use when scripting chests, etc.)
- Think I've fixed the bug with lock-picking not working.
- Added option to NOT send @panic for leaders.
- Fixed bug with repeated 'equip' commands.
- Added an option to the BBS settings to specify an additional
period of time to wait for laggy connections. This will
hopefully prevent the problems with MegaMud repeating
commands because it thinks it hasnt been done due to timeouts.
- I now show data I have sent in a dark-grey. This is shown
after I have sent it, but before I have received the echo
back from the BBS (which will overwrite it). This will
highlight the delay (lag) on the system, and give you
a more responsive picture of what MegaMud is trying to do.
An option to turn this on/off is available in the Display settings.
- Made a few small improvements to the handling of @comeback.
- Added @deposit-all command.
- Added rooms/paths for the gang houses.
- Fixed bug which was preventing deletion of some monsters/items.
- Added option to allow path step corrections to be made
while moving (must not be AFK). Also added a re-learn option
on the game data rooms list for correcting "known rooms"
which have had their exits altered.
- Updated databases for MajorMud 1.11f
- Now handles the "(Worn)" body type for emblems.
- Allows for chainmail on warlocks.
- Fixed bug which was sometimes not waiting for party members.
- Removed most of the code for converting data files from
older versions. If you are installing this from a really old
version, then set it up from scratch (or install 1.03p).
- The "Clean" button on the monsters game data page should now
work properly.
- Few other small bug fixes.

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Version 1.03q
- To fix up some buggy path files, go to game data, select the

paths tab, and search for "SRSF". Delete every path that it
finds with this match (you only need to do this if installing
over and older version of MegaMud). It may prompt you with
an error message saying two rooms are not used (SRSF and DTSP).
You can safely delete both of these rooms (room NSSF replaces
the old SRSF room).
- If you get killed now, roaming now ceases (regardless of any
other settings). Hopefully this should fix the problem with
people getting killed multiple times. If you have hangup
disabled, it wont hang - but it will still stop going anywhere.
Those wanting it to go back and auto-pickup/equip items and
continue....script a safer area :)
- Priestly healing (prhe) should now work properly as a party
heal command.
- When checking if a wooden skiff is needed, a log raft or silverbark
canoe will also be suitable.
- Required cash for a path can now be up to 9,999,999 copper.
- Fixed a bug introduced in last build which seemed to cause
a crash whenever you attempted to goto a location (mostly
on NT/2000 systems only though).

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Version 1.03p
- Updated database info for 1.11b (I've guessed the friend status
for most of the new monsters (lost my chars, so havent encountered
them yet :). Let me know if any of the mosnters should have different
default settings.
- Added some new messages for new items/spells, etc.
(I may have missed plenty, so if anyone finds cases like these
where a message should really be added, let me know).
- Jumpkicks with no damage are now considered a miss (any other
cases like this?)
- Added option to backup game data files whenever changes are made.
- When game data files are first loaded, MegaMud verifies the
integrity of the database and prompts you to restore the backup
if any errors are found (use -v on the command line to skip the
verification and speed up the load, slightly).
- If attempting to pick a lock fails 3 times, it will first try
to open the door (it will fail if already unlocked). It then
tries another 3 times, then will try bashing the door 3 times.
- Players should now telepath/say @held, etc. less frequently.
- Added settings for the maximums attempts for bashing a door,
picking a lock or disarming a trap.
- Added paths/rooms for Mod 7 (from Fizban the Fabulous :)
I guess many of the newly added rooms probably need to have the
bank/shop/trainer/stop before entering/hide in goto list options
set correctly (none appear to be set). Can someone let me know
the changes needed?
- Mystic attack accuracy stats should now pick up the misses properly
(including the two-line 'fist' attacks).
- Fixed the bug relating to the IgnorePoison setting not working
- Now determines player levels correctly from the new level titles.
- Added 'sys abils' info for Mod 7 quest.
- Added a 'clean' button to the monsters and items list pages
within the game data option. This button will prompt you to
remove any monsters/items not defined within the installed
monsters/items databases.
- Fixed bug with the no. of rooms to run accumulating each time
a monster walks in or you hear movement.
- Aiding players is now only performed for 'friend' players, or
players within your party (before they dropped :).
- When tracking, MegaMud will only move after the target if
you are not 'stop'ed (ie. roaming, looping, etc).
- If player has the required key, it will use it instead of
trying to pick the lock.
- Added option to the party settings to specify the frequency
of the 'par' command.
- I've removed the BOATSILP.MP and SILPBOAT.MP path files from
the installation, but if you install over an existing version,
and use the 'Scan' button, these paths may be re-added (you may
want to delete them from the .\Default directory so that traversal
of the silver river works properly).
- Fixed bug with room conflicts dialog; asking it to delete one of
the rooms will now work properly.
- Added option to not look at any player.
- Fixed bug that was causing MegaMud to get lost whenever it
use the mudop sys goto command.

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Version 1.03o
- Been too busy to do much lately, so only a few small fixes in this
- Added @attack-last remote command.
- Added exp. graph to toolbar.
- Fixed bug which was preventing custom classes from saving the magic type.
- If you backtrack, and need to sneak, you no longer need to hit
backtrack twice.
- If you are running, and a party members send @wait, combat is now
only temporarily turned on until you start to move again.
- Should no longer re-equip your weapon if you type 'wealth'.
- Fixed bug which was preventing telepathes from sometimes not being
recorded in the conversation window.
- Fixed a bug with picking locks always trying to open them even
when it fails.
- @loop1 was supposed to be written as @looponce in the help files.
- For other bugs with stats not recording due to the new 1.1x combat
messages, can someone email me some examples as my BBS is still on 1.1w.

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Version 1.03n
- Fixed bug which wasnt saving the party window position.
- Fixed a crash in parsing "sys stat room"
- Fixed bug with the no. of players seen being reset all the time.
- Added the @get-all, @drop-all and @equip-all remote control commands (must have @do access).
- Fixed up item database with the old locations of where you could auto-find/buy stuff. Also, added field in game info of who drops the item (if multiple, just shows first one).
- Fixed bug introduced in 1.03m where it would re-invite party members after cleanup unless that had the 'invite if seen' option turned on.
- MegaMud should now do a 'par' after a party heal (so that it doesnt keep healing when it doesnt need to, but also it will first re-engage combat before doing the par, so that it doesnt miss a round on slow lines).
- Auto-inviting should now get done before combat.
- On spells settings, can specify the minimum mana flux increase. If the increase is below this, flux is recast. Also, mana regen rate is now displayed in the status bar.
- Toolbar should now wrap if it gets too wide.
- Added game message for the mispelled "lighting" attack message.
- Added search option to conversation window.
- Added auto-light toolbar option (and @auto-light remote command).
- Added remote control @relog command.
- Added toolbar icons for the player stats, session stats and time analysis windows.
- Fixed bug with shields being re-equipped all the time.
- Fixed a monster name matching bug, eg: a "crocidile" will no longer be matched against "roc".
- Added an "Inventory Calculator". Shows possible items you are "currently" allowed to wear.
- Fixed up prices in the item database.
- Spell database now shows the item which you can learn a spell from or the item required to cast the spell.
- A party leader will now send "@panic!" if they are about to teleport or hang due to low HPs. This allows party followers to do the same (there is an option to ignore this in the party settings).
- Added a "@home" command to query monster status from a mudop.
- Added settings to Talk settings to disallow @party commands.
- Think I've finally found the bug which was causing MegaMud to basically lock up when re-connecting with Telnet.
- Added support for new 1.1x combat messages.
- Player info dialog now shows last online and last seen date/times.
- The warning regarding nuke spells when friends are in the room should no longer scroll constantly.
- Added option to players data to not bother looking at them.
- Added option to disable the auto-enaging of auto-combat and auto-heal whenever a loop begins.
- Added game entry/exit cmds.
- Few other small crash fixes.

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Version 1.03m
- Fixed crash with looking at gaunt ones.
- {Source} and {Target} can now be used in the AFK message.
- Fixed bug which was resetting the position of the tools window.
- Fixed bug which limited auto roam commands to 3 chars.
- Fixed a crash which occurs when using the quick-tools to bash doors.
- Fixed the bug in the races data which was displaying extra HP's as 255 if it was supposed to be -1.
- Hopefully fixed the switching screens bug (the one where another instance of MM comes to the foreground all on its own). Let me know if its still happening.
- Added @enc remote control command.
- Added the @rego remote control command.
- Added the @seen remote control command.
- Added the @auto-all remote control command.
- Added the @settings remote control command.
- Added the @auto-nuke remote control command.
- When @wait is received when leading, and it contains the words "Mana/Kai" in the reason why, the leader wont bother healing them.
- Added "Can disarm traps" option to "other" settings page.
- Added "Pitch black" option to path steps (will cause MegaMud not to attempt to light the room).
- Added "Disarm Trap" option to path steps (will cause MegaMud to attempt to disarm the trap in this room).
- Added "Pick Lock" option to path steps (will cause MegaMud to pick the lock if you dont have a key). If you do have a key, it will use it instead as it is quicker.
- Added "Dont become medium" option to the cash settings.
- Game data items can now be edited by using the keyboard only.
- Added option to the display settings to allow MegaMud to be minimized to the system taskbar status area. All MegaMud instances can be setup to minimize to this same icon, and right clicking will display a list of the characters.
- Added the "auto-nuke" option (toggle area effect spells).
- MegaMud will now display a warning and cancel casting area-effect attack spells when other non-party friends exist within the room. This does not occur if your PvP mode is set to do nothing.
- Will no longer cast light spell if hiding or sneaking.
- Post-rest command now only done prior to moving/attacking (rather than post-rest, bless, pre-rest, wait, etc...)
- Auto-dropping items no longer done in all-off mode.
- Responses can now contain multiple parts which MegaMud can randomly choose (see help for further info).
- You can now specify the max. no. times to cast for the specific monsters spells.
- Spells, monsters and item databases have been converted into a new format. They now have a lot of the information directly from the WCC databases for reference purposes.
- When you run somewhere to begin a loop, auto-heal as well as auto-combat are now re-engaged when the loop starts.
- {pswd} string expansion now only works while logging on.
- If you have auto-combat off, and are sneaking or hiding, items will not be auto-equipped if there are monsters in the room (this prevents MegaMud from breaking you sneak when trying to retrieve items from a dangerous room).
- There is now a @loop and @looponce command (the later only loops once and returns).
- Fixed bug when it lags when entering a vortex and repeats the command multipe times.
- Player stats window now shows pre-attack spell statistics.
- Fixed a bug which was not recording some spells in the stats window.
- Stats window now show statistics for the pre-attack spell.
- Added option to always start MegaMud minimized.
- Many of the game data lists can now be sorted by different criteria by clicking on the appropriate column.
- Offensive heal spells like deatchtouch should now work properly if specified as your player's healing spell.
- MegaMud now remembers what other players are wearing (list can be displayed in the player game data).
- Specifying an alternate weapon should now work properly.
- @loop should now only report {failed} if it didnt work (used to always).
- If there is cash and items in a room, "Get All" will now just pick up the items (often there is a large quantity of cash in the room which prevents you from picking up items). If there are no items, "Get All" will pick up the cash.
- Any remote control command containing "reroll" or "suicide" will now be disallowed.
- Added option to combat settings to not do a BS if the multi-attack spell would normally be cast.
- Fixed bug where it used to sit trying to exit while being attacked.
- MegaMud should now hangup properly if you teleport when low, and HP's keep falling to zero or negative.
- Added player option to not auto-delete the character if they havent been used in a long time.
- Added maximum damage counts to the multi-attack, pre-attack and normal attack spells. It will continue to cast until either the maximum no. of casts has been reached, or the max. amount of damage has been done.
- Game data lists changed to use full-row selection (rather than only allow clicking of the item in the first column). allow any item in the li
- Hopefully fixed the bug with it locking up when hitting clear on the conversations window.
- Added a menu option for mudop's to check who is home (checks can be customised via the monster game data).
- Added search option to back-scroll.
- Fixed bug with @kill command.
- @comeback should now be sent if you get disconnect while following.
- Lots of other minor stuff.

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Version 1.03l
- Minor bug fix release
- Removed debugging info when using forked lightning (whoops :)
- Fixed lockup when trying to modify races/classes

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Version 1.03k
- Functionally not a lot added in this version...mostly bugs fixes and a few optimizations.
- Fixed bug with trying to pick up coins when full.
- The players and paths databases has now been converted into a more reliable database format.
- The Record button on the toolbar is now properly enabled.
- Page up/down no longer do an upload/download while in browsing the back-scroll window.
- ZModem file transfers should now work with Telnet as well.
- Fixed the display of ZModem times.
- @goto now works with the 4-character room code as well.
- The online players, quick tools, player stats, session and time analysis windows used to be created at startup and hidden when not in use. These are now only created when needed, thus reducing memory requirements.
- Added an option to alter the text returned when an invalid remote control command is received.
- Added option to back-track a step in your current path (useful for finding where you left someone).
- Added in game data sections for editing race and class details. These can be left untouched by most people, unless you play on an edited BBS.
- Added priestly healing spell to game data.
- MegaMud no longer greets players or looks at them in 'All-Off' mode.
- Fixed bug where rfir and a couple of other spells could sometimes keep being cast when used as bless spells.
- Fixed some bugs with the sound settings dialog.
- The following is mostly for the techo heads:
- Some people have said casting certain room affect spells, etc. can crash other players. I havent ever seen this, so I've added some extra structured exception handling to trap crashes which occur while parsing incoming lines. If detected, the offending line is discarded and the program continues on as normal. A message will be displayed if this occurs, so if it does, could you please email the details to the support forum so I can track it down.
- Ive also added exception handlers to all the other threads in MegaMud (forgot the existing handler would only trap crashes within the main thread). This may explain why some of the crashes havent written anything to the trace file.
- Ran MegaMud through some extensive memory checking utilities and fixed up a couple of memory leaks. Nothing appears to be leaking anymore.

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Version 1.03j
- I am no longer accepting personal emails or registrations (the volume of bugs/suggestions etc. was consuming my day, preventing me from actually working on it). All technical queries can be lodged through the listserver or the MajorBBS mail-link forum. All orders/registration queries are now handled by Gameport (for details on the forums or Gameport, see the MegaMud help files). Please do not consider this unfair, as it was getting to a stage where I couldn't leave for a weekend without my inbox overflowing, requiring days to go through tgem all out. Unfortunately this simply takes too long and grew to a level where is has started to affect both my family life and interfere with my "real" work (MegaMud's a hobby).
- Registrations are now all done via Gameport ( The cost has now risen to US $45. If you've ordered through MudMarket, then this is what it cost anyway. The product has grown substantially since its initial release, and while the registration cost should now stay at this figure, I'll hopefully have more time now to concentrate on the bugs, etc. and improve it considerably. Anyhow, on with the list of fixes for this version...
- Fixed the bug which made it run away constantly until it fought something.
- If {target} was used in a message reply, nothing specified after it was sent out - now fixed.
- MegaMud will now hang if HP's are negative (even if the MudOp teleport option is used).
- If combat is off, it should no longer attack if following or manually playing.
- If tracking, and it moves into a room with only two exits, it will no longer track again, but take the only other exit.
- Not sure if this is right (I'm sure I'll get corrected :), but, the weapon hit % now doesnt include the extra hits. The extra hit % is now based as a percentage of the non-extra hits/crits.
- Converted all string copy routines to include a max. length in the hope to try and track down the wierd numbers which sometimes appear within the status bar.
- MegaMud should now handle the 'par' listing for players that do not have a surname.
- The warning about it being unsafe to connect will no longer be displayed in the case where the maximum redial attempts has been exceeded.
- Because of the confusion with the 'Allow hangup when not AFK' option, if you have your PvP action set to hangup, a PvP attack will now always hang regardless of whether you are AFK or not. To override this, you may either go into all-off mode, or change your default PvP action.
- If your party member becomes diseased, it will issue a "@diseased" command which other members should respond by curing you (if possible). Also, @blind and @held have also now been added. Havent been able to test these yet... so let me know :)
- Added a few more toolbar button options which can be added.
- @kill will no longer cause a script to attack someone who is in either the party or is defined as being a friend.
- Removed the 'auto-learn game data' option as it causes too many problems within MM if this is turned off.
- @path now shows the number of steps remaining.
- Fixed the bug with it dropping runics for smaller change if the runic coins are renamed. Also, the "Collect runics" option now saves properly.
- When bashing, the full direction name is now used (to avoid accidentally bashing players).
- Added a Goblin Caves loop.
- Added the missing path so you can get back from the Dusty Village.
- Added a player option to not heal/bless (good for witchunters).
- Fixed the bug with the INI Save As... not updating the title bar to the new name of the INI file.
- Fixed a bug with party healing sometimes not working.
- Session stats now show the number of times a person was seen (in different rooms).
- The crash when you type "? set" is now fixed.
- Should now only cure (poison) party members after killing all monsters.
- You will now be confirmed when pressing Cancel on the Game Data property sheet if any changes have been made.
- Added approx HP min/max ranges calculator to experience calculator (not sure on formulas yet).
- Reworked the code which controls what needed to be dropped in exchange for picking up larger currency. This should now work properly.
- Last but not least, what you've all been hassling me for...file transfers..well, ZModem at least is now implemented. I've only done fairly minimal testing of it and it appears to work, but not sure how it stands up with bad lines, etc. Soon see I suppose, but tread carefully...
- Next release will be addressing a lot of these wierd database errors.
- Quite a few other small fixes.

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Version 1.03i
- Merry Christmas! (will be away for a couple of weeks over the break so hope this version works, if not, Happy New Year anyway :)
- Local player actions are now recorded in the conversations window.
- Fixed a bug which was preventing @comeback from working.
- Fixed a bug which was causing MM not to attack when it thought you needed to run, but you werent going anywhere.
- MegaMud now prompts users to delete unused room definitions at startup.
- Hangup if naked now works if you are carrying only loyal items.
- Fixed another bug which was sometimes preventing game data items from being properly deleted.
- Loop paths are now grouped the by their starting room group (like the goto locations).
- Added a minimum healing period to the health settings (applies to party healing as well).
- Fixed up the logic which used to make MM think it was quicker to teleport to some wierd places when it actually wasnt.
- You can now use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy/paste from anywhere you can place the input focus.
- Added a remote @reset command (resets all internal flags and statistics).
- Couple of other small fixes.

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Version 1.03h
- If MegaMud detects an unknown item in your inventory, it will first re-get the inventory to check it wasnt a mistake. This should help prevent wierd item names getting added.
- Unknown monsters or players will also cause MegaMud to re-check the room. If same monster/player is seen, then it will be automatically added. This should prevent attacks on players where line noise splits a player's name in half (originally causing MM to think it was an unknown monster).
- Auto buy/sell/withdraw/deposit should now work at any time (even if following) if MM is in active mode.
- MegaMud will no longer look at people while hiding.
- Added @party command which can be used in path files to allow party members to do commands required to go places (eg. "go hole" on way to Markus).
- MegaMud will no longer try to party heal or bless members which have gone missing or hungup.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes a party leader could forget followers were still being held. Also, if a leader is running, but a follower has asked them to wait, then the leader's attack mode is temporarily turned on while waiting for the follower.
- Party time outs should now work properly.
- Runic name now saves properly.
- When relogging/cleanup, the leader will reset its party timeout period when it first enters the realm.
- MegaMud should now hide properly while regenning mana/kai.
- Found a potential memory leak which happened whenever MegaMud loaded a path file. Hopefully this is the cause of the slow machine degradation problem which some people reported when running multiple copies of Megamud.
- Pvp spells should now be cast properly.
- Added option to room info to allow rooms to always be shown in the popup menu of favourite/common rooms (right-click popup).
- Fixed some bugs with running (eg. Newhaven loop kept running if the no. of rooms to run was set to 1).
- Players without surnames are now handled properly.
- Copy is now Ctrl+C, Paste is Ctrl+V, Capture is Alt+C.
- Orc mansion loop now doesnt go into the warleader room.
- Added loop path for quaggoth area.
- You can now record more than one loop path at the same starting room.
- Fixed a bug which was sometimes corrupting the players database. On startup, you may notice a bunch of messages saying some database entries have been removed. This is MegaMud auto-deleting any corrupt entries it has found. Hopefully, it should only happen (if at all) to each data file no more than once.
- Added auto-bless to the toolbar (now seperate from auto-heal).
- Added lowest mana/kai reached in session statistics.
- When modifying an installed default game data item, the default 'Use' option is now changed to 'only for this character' usage by default.
- When joining a party, then leader's friend status will only be changed to 'friend' if it was previously set to unknown.
- The list of seen players now shows the date they were seen/attacked.
- Fixed a bug which was sometimes not reconnecting when the BBS dropped carrier. MM will now always attempt to reconnect if disconnected by any means other than one initiated by MegaMud.
- Did some small optimizations which may or may not have noticeably increased the speed of displaying incoming data :)
- Added a page to the settings to allow customization of the toolbar.
- @comeback command implemented - sent to leader when follower is seperated because it cant move (untested yet, let me if it works).
- Timed logoff's now exit properly rather than just hanging.
- Fixed a couple of bugs where runic coin was being used instead of the custom runic name.
- Party display now show's the players mana or kai and also supports the extraction of these details from the new party listing in 1.1w.
- The remote control commands can now be used within a path to control yourself (eg. "@auto-search off", etc.)
- Hopefully bug with saving players should now be better (still cant work out why its dead-locking).
- While resting, MM should issue stat every two minutes to ensure its not waiting on something which has already worn off.
- Now handles monsters suffixed with "(charmed)".
- Fixed a crash which sometimes occurred when telnet disconnected.
- Added a menu/toolbar option to enable/disable haning (useful for manual play). It overrides all other settings.
- Few other miscellaneous fixes and others I've forgotten to mention :)

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Version 1.03g
- Fixed a bug which was not recognising logon prompts if the response to be given wasnt given on the same line as the prompt (attempted optimization which failed miserably).
- Fixed bug which sometimes made hangup not work.
- Added a max. hours per day value to the BBS settings (currently this is only used for displaying the no. of days to level properly).
- Added party option to attack what your leader is attacking (turn off to solve some of the problems with partying duegars).

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Version 1.03f
- Blank button on quick-tools turned into search command.
- Added option to ensure sneaking before moving, instead of ignoring the MajorMud bug which makes you wait a round after killing a monster before sneak is allowed.
- MM should now BS before casting any multi-attack spells.
- Multi-attack spells should now cast the correct no. of times.
- If the MudOp option to is, MegaMud will use teleporting as an alternative path when calculating the quickest route (wont do it if leading party though).
- Fixed bug which was causing players to be considered inactive (and hence deleted) even when they werent.
- If your character only needs to rest for mana regen, and has stealth capabilities, it will now hide instead to wait for mana/kai regen to occur.
- Fixed a bug which was preventing rooms from being deleted.
- Item auto-discard option now works properly.
- Fixed one of the freeze up bugs (namely the one which occurred when you selected to go somewhere).
- Fixed bug where MegaMud sometimes thought you were in the game if it saw the HP= prompt in a mail message when logging on.
- Added option to support 2-line broadcast messages.
- If MM gets to the MajorMud menu and ANSI isnt set correctly, it should now exit and re-issue the ANSI toggle command.
- Temporarily removed checking for the 'xxx' moves to protect 'yyy' messages (in Duegars, Captains move to protect warriors, which makes MM think it is attacking the captain). If you break combat, then re-engage (eg. bless), then it used to re-attack the captain, causing all of them to attack. I had this in for some reason (cant remember why now), so hopefully removing it has no adverse effects. If it does, I'll reverse it back to how it was.
- A special dialog now handles the condition where one room's internal checksum matches another.
- Fixed a bug which was stopping followers from resting when the leader rested.
- Changed the statline cmd to issue "set statline full custom xxx" rather than "set statline custom xxx" (the latter doesnt redisplay the room when enter is pressed).
- Added tough practice dummy room paths.
- Fixed a whole bunch of small stuff.

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Version 1.03e
- Experience calculator min/min CP ranges now change when the user selects another race.
- Added option to customize the name of runic currency.
- Attack last should now work if the leader does a area-effect attack.
- When searching for exits, MM has gone back to redislaying the room after a failed attempt, to handle the case where another user could have found it, to stop MM from searching forever.
- Fixed a bug with the conversations window not showing the text if the time-stamp option was turned off.
- Too avoid the case where MM incorrectly reads low Hp's (possibly due to data being lost), MM now needs to see the low HP condition twice before it will hang (the first time, it will try and re-display the room).
- Added options to items info to auto-open and auto-discard (for chests).
- Fixed bug with auto-tracking which used to track everyone online.
- Fixed a crash which occurred when importing multiple MP files at once.
- Added settings page to set custom statline.
- Added middle of path checking algorithm to try and remove the possibility of MegaMud getting stuck re-syncing between the same few steps withn a loop.
- Found a long-standing bug in my string handling routines which was corrupting memory (coudl have been the cause of all sorts of wierd behaviour)

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Version 1.03d
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a Telnet connect to freeze up.
- MegaMud should now reget the inventory if it tries to stash something it doesnt have.
- Seperate trace file data is now written to the MegaMud.TRC file within each character's INI file directory.
- Fixed bug with attack-last not working.

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Version 1.03c
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused lines in the conversation window to be truncated.
- The 'Light Dim Rooms' option now properly works.
- When following, MM now remembers if the leader is resting, and will re-rest after casting bless spells, etc. even if they are above their rest threshold setting, so as to not waste rest time.
- If you've been swiped at or hit, and you're running, MM wont try and sneak straight away (as it wont be allowed anyway) until 3-4 seconds later.
- Fixed bug which was preventing game data items from being deleted.
- Added new Spells Checklist option.
- Fixed a bug which caused the "Unable to overwrite File, File, File... message when trying to save recorded paths.
- Scanning in paths will now caused them to be saved properly.
- Fixed a bug with recording new paths which now causes them to be saved properly and also fixed a memory corruption that was occurring.
- Fixed a bug which was causing it to not re-connect if carrier dropped.
- Added @path remote command.
- Added menu option to optionally show time stamp in conversations window.
- Fixed the bug with MM not attacking "nomadic" monsters.
- A pencil icon will now be displayed next to all of the game data items to highlight entries which have been modified from the installed defaults.
- Added a 'Do nothing' PvP option (for those on non-pvp boards).
- Fix a bug which was causing MM to stop auto-roaming if HPs went below the run threshold.
- Hopefully speeded up Telnet access somewhat.
- Searching for exits now doesnt redisplay the room after each search.
- Leo the Quick's attacks should no longer get interpreted as a PvP attack.
- Non-timed and evil in combat spells cast on a target should now be cast immediately, rather than wait the round delay.
- Added reset buttons to each section of the various stats windows.
- Should now 'cure' poisoned party members before healing them.
- Setting the back-scroll buffer higher no longer causes a crash.
- Added a 'Dont rest here' option to the path editor.
- MegaMud will now rest to full HP's and mana before auto-training.
- Fixed a bug which caused MM to not recognise monsters if they span more than a line (sometimes).
- Fixed bug which caused party bless spells to be recast constantly.
- Added option for NT users who want to use RAS but with the configured phone book settings.
- Added some more loops for Torch Lit caverns, Kobolds, Pillaged Museum, Salamanders, Mossy Tunnels, Shadow Fist, Rhudaur
- Fixed a crash which often occured when modifying paths.
- Few other minor bug fixes.

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Version 1.03b
- Fixed a couple of bugs which sometimes caused crashes when importing custom MegaMud paths or failed to add them.
- Fixed a bug which was preventing the events from being loaded properly.
- Time displayed in conversations window should now be correct.
- Time displayed for "Online Time" should now be accurate.
- Added option to light lamps, etc. in dimly-lit rooms.
- Added option to hangup if naked.
- Still trying to find bug which sometimes causes it to freeze when saving players, will upload 1.03c when I figure it out. I realise there is probably a few others as well, but wanted to upload this version now to allow people to use their custom pathes.
- Couple of other small fixes.

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Version 1.03a
- NOTE!!!! As some file formats have changed, and installing 1.03a will move some files about, I suggest you backup you existing data files BEFORE installing this version (just in case).
- The MEGAMUD.BBS file has now been split up into seperate INI files for each BBS. Each BBS is now stored in a \BBS\ subdirectory. MegaMud will setup this directory structure on startup by running the MEGACVT.EXE program.
- Character INI files are now stored in the \Chars subdirectory, and any specific data records are stored in sub-directories per INI file underneath that. All data files are now loaded from a combination of the \Default files (installed data files), \Chars\All files (records modified for all characters), \BBS\\ files (data records specific for a given BBS) and \Chars\ files (data records specific for a given character). This makes it easier for users who play multiple characters as the directory/file maintenance is now done automatically under the covers without having to worry about it. MegaMud now keeps track of where each record was loaded from and saves them accordingly. Deleting a character-specific data record will effectively restore the default record (if one exists). This also allows me to install new default files and leave the modified ones intact. Path files are now also stored this way, allowing you to customize pathes per character. This is also covered in the help file under 'Configuring Game Data'.
- Minimized title icon should now update properly with the current health.
- If you only have a party of two, the @heal command is telepathed, not spoken to the room.
- Should now provide light in barely visible rooms.
- Added an option to the display settigs to auto-hide the party status window when de-activated or minimized. Double-clicking one of these party windows will restore its main terminal window.
- Fixed bug which prevented a paste with an entered prefix.
- Names that appear with "(hidden)" after them are now handled properly.
- Fixed a crash which used to occur when hanging up due to low HPs.
- Will no longer auto-track when the "all off" button is depressed.
- Added a PvP level restriction field to the BBS settings. If set, this will cause PvP to occur only if within the specified range. If a player is defined as enemy, but out of PvP range, then MegaMud will simply just flee the room instead.
- Fixed a bug which prevented the {1} variable from working.
- Added the Mod 6 monsters/items/spells.
- Added Olorin's new mod 6 rooms/paths.
- Hangup due to Pvp or low Hps now properly uses the 'Hangup if All Off' and 'Hangup if not AFK' options.
- Path files must now be added by using the 'New' button on the Game data/Paths option. MegaMud no longer searches the Paths directory, but loads the PATHS.MD file instead.
- Path files now store the starting and ending room code/group/name within the path file. Adding a new path will cause the proper room definition to be automatically added now. For any custom paths that you wish to distribute to other users, re-save them before handing them out.
- Added option to comms settings to disable the modem initialization before re-dialing.
- Added option to delete inactive players older than 'n' days.
- When any of the data files are altered, MegaMud now notifies other instances to reload the game data with the new settings.
- Added pre & post-rest commands.
- Player stats now stop clicking over when not within the game.
- Other players base attributes are now extracted from their description (eg, "powerfully built").
- Messages in the conversation window are now timestamped.
- Issues 'par' more often now (and even more often when in combat).
- The {AFK} response wont be given to people chatting who dont direct the talk to you.
- The no. of personal bless spells has been increased to 10.
- Multi-attack spells are now always cast until the no. of monsters goes below the specified maximum.
- MegaMud will now hangup if it finds itself naked and AFK.
- Should now swap to alternate weapon if the current one has no effect on the current monster.
- Dodge percentage calculation now takes into account monster misses.
- Added @stop remote command.
- Added extra PvP option to optionally chase players.
- People who PvP will automatically loose any remote control access.
- Quite a few small miscellaneous fixes.

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Written and maintained by Spawn. Copyright (c), all rights reserved.
MegaMud and the MegaMud Release Notes are copyright (c) 1998-2006 GWiz PTY. LTD.
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